Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 1, 2010

ETH Hönggerberg.

A crazy pastor in Florida wants to organize a burning of the Koran. This is an event that should, if media had any conscience, have passed unnoticed and no one would have cared. Instead media all over the world are blowing up the story and Obama needed to comment and beg the pastor not to go through with it. It is pure idiocy that media take notice of these kind of affaires. Of course fundamentalists think that we are evil if it gets published every time a wacko gets a crazy idea in his head. On the other hand it might be fair, because every time a group of 10 or more Muslims burn a western flag it gets exploited in the same way to make all the westerners believe that the entire Muslim world is worked up about a theme that the 95% of the people don't care about at all. I guess that we just have to taste a scope of our own medicine.

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