A misty morning on Hönggerberg, kreis 10. Unfortunately I forgot the UV-filter at home so I did not manage to capture the magic.
The conference on the climate in Copenhagen started on Monday. So much hope is being put into this conference, some people call it the last chance to save the earth before it goes under due to the global warming. If the politicians take the threat seriously let's hope that they really get to make some important decisions. At the time being I have the impression that the pressure on saving the planet is mainly lying on the shoulders of us as individuals when the real burden should be placed on companies and be guided by political decisions. However, there is no reason to worry about the planet, the planet will always survive. It is the human species that might get erased, that's all.
Tomorrow Barack Obama will receive the Nobel peace prize. Many voices has been raised against it as he does not yet deserve it and that he has recently sent 30'000 more soldiers into Afghanistan. However, I don't really see that he has got much choice as he has inherited all these problems from the Bush-administration. I really think that he deserves the price anyway, he has decided to close down Guantanamo and is clearly pushing for a peaceful solution in the middle east. His visions are clearly peaceful and his election gave to the world something that we so badly needed, hope of a better future.
jag håller helt med om obama, han förtjänar det!
ReplyDeletefast jag är ju en av dom som inte tar "klimathotet" på allvar. jag tycker att det mest känns som propaganda. därmed inte sagt att vi inte ska värna om miljön, för det ska vi såklart. men jag tror verkligen inte vi är så illa ute som vissa försöker få oss att tro. till exempel al gore, vars fredspris 2007 enligt mig är ett stort jävla skämt och extremt oförtjänt. obama förtjänar det tusen gånger mer, men han ändå fått stå ut med så mycket mer kritik. trist!