In Kreis 5 around Langstrasse you can find the shops selling all the things you didn't know that you didn't need.
Switzerland is not living its most glorious days. After having once again shown their intolerance towards other cultures by voting for an interdiction for the building of minarets last Sunday the problems are building up internationally as well as within the country. Countries all over the world are condemning the outcome of the voting, from Muslim countries as well from the European Union. Switzerland is adding another brick to the wall isolating them from the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see the economical impact of the now even worsened reputation of Switzerland. Many Muslim countries are encouraging people to withdraw their investments in Switzerland. However, business is business and so far I have never heard of an idealistic businessman no matter what religion he's from, so as long as it is profitable I guess that the money will stay in the country.
The internal problem that Switzerland is now facing is where they should go from here. Is it possible to accept the vote and install the interdiction? It is against the Swiss constitution, the human rights and freedom of religion. Democracy is supposed to be secondary in the country after the Rechtsstaat. This means that the will of the people are never allowed to win over the fundamental values defined in the constitution, to prevent tyranny of the masses. However, it is not trivial to go against the public will within the country. What probably will happen is that the people building minarets will get their case tested in the European Court of Human Rights where the right to build the minarets will be approved.
In the end, this whole voting had very little to do with minarets and more about the prejudices against Muslims in Switzerland. The people who started this initiative have won nothing but a well earned sea of troubles. The Swiss government has done a huge mistake in allowing this voting to take place as they knew already from the start that a positive outcome would be anti-constitutional. The second part to blame for this situation is the 48% of the people with the right to vote who didn't show up at the ballots Sunday.
My remark above that business is business was also shown in the elections last Sunday. Everybody is against a war but when it comes to protecting Swiss jobs the Swiss (or at least the 52% who actually made the effort of voting) still chose to continue the weapon export.