In Höngg you can still get the feeling that you live in a little village even though it is indeed a part of the city.
A lot of good things have happened lately. I am not only talking about the incredibly unlikely event that happened today when Switzerland beat Spain in the FIFA world cup but also about some other things that is going on in the world. Among other things it looks as if Obama is going to use the disastrous oil spill to push through some harder, greener politics. In general it is not very well seen to exploit these kind of events for you political agenda but this time he is really right to do so.
The Swiss hostage in Libya, Max Göldi, was finally released this week! This poor guy who got stuck in a conflict between two countries that doesn't concern him at all and were held prisoner in various places in Libya for about two years is now back in Switzerland. It was an incredibly silly conflict to start with and it has taken so much diplomatic efforts and international collaborations to solve it. All because Khadaffi's son decided to beat up his personnel while in Geneva. Many political and economical concessions were necessary from the Swiss side to get Göldi free. In one sense it is really crazy to negotiate with a lunatic like Khadaffi but on the other hand I think it is great to live in a country where a citizens freedom is worth all this sacrifice. So even though this solution might have been a political failure it is at least a human victory.
In this conflict that Switzerland couldn't have done anything against Khadaffi if they didn't get help from the other European countries. Switzerland often like to see itself as being totally independent but it is just a tiny little country with very little to say in the big world. This time we will have to thank Spain (who we just beat in football), Germany (who we fight against to protect their tax-fraudsters) and Berslusconi (the closest thing there is to a democratically elected dictator).
In Sweden only one thing is covered in the media nowadays, the crown-princess wedding to a man of the people on Saturday. The celebrations have already started and just as in the fairy-tale they will last for days. Even though the Swedes can never really make up their minds about what they think of the monarchy we all wish them to live happily ever after.